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In the last post, I mentioned that I had a difficult time selecting just five drum method books. So today I thought I’d share five more that I think are really important, and even still I can think of more that are really good. But anyway, here are five more.

More Drum Instructional Books

Accents and Rebounds
George Lawrence Stone

This book will help you control your dynamics to play with more speed and precision.

Mastering the Tables of Time
David Stanock

This is a comprehensive book that helps you with coordination, polyrhythms, dynamics, and limb independence.

Future Sounds
David Garabaldi.

This is one of the tried and true books. It works your dynamics and linear playing, among other things.

Survival Guide for the Modern Drummer
Jim Riley

 This is similar to “Groove Essentials” in that it introduces you to playing different styles, along with drumless play-along that you can work on.

Modern Reading Text in 4/4
Louie Bellson and Gil Bryan

This is a thorough text that eases you through reading rhythm notation. And there’s also “Modern Reading Text in Odd Time” that I recommend.

Take The Frustration Out of Learrning The Drums